Channel: GirIndiaFilms HD
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: floodsforestjamburnarendrasafariflora-faunaindiavirusgirnarmatingsasangirmodiattacksiddicatrarenationaldearstockparkrescuelicensingwildliferainpythonsanctuarybiodiversityamezingfootagecanineasiaticgujarattribescubsjunagadhgreatlionlicenseleopardlionessafricanuniquedistemperanimaljungledogjunagarh
Description: #WorldLionDay2021 Courtesy: Wildlife division Sasan Gir - Gujarat forest department પ્રધાન મંત્રી નરેન્દ્ર મોદી જયારે ગુજરાતના મુખ્ય મંત્રી હતા ત્યારે દેશમાં સૌ પ્રથમવાર ગુજરાત વન વિભાગમાં મહિલા ની ભરતી શરુ કરી હતી, આજે ગુજરાત વન વિભાગમાં ગીતાબેન રાતડીયા અને રિંકલ પાટડીયા જેવી અસંખ્ય મહિલાઓ આ પ્રકારના જોખમી કામ કરી છે, સાસણ ગીર ના નાયબ વેન સંરક્ષક ડૉ. મોહન રામ કહે છે કે જ્યાર થી મહિલાઓ કામ કરી રહી છે ત્યાર થી ખુબજ સારા પરિણામો મળવા લાગ્યા છે, પછી તે રેસ્ક્યુ ની કામગીરી હોય કે ફોટોગ્રાફી ની કામગીરી હોય મહિલાઓ ઉત્સાહથી, ખંતથી અને બહાદુરીથી પોતાની ફરજ નિભાવી રહી છે. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Website: The Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) is found only at the Gir national park in the Gujarat state of India in the world, which is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List because of its small population. Since 2015, Gir Forest National Park has steadily increased. In June 2020, the 15th Asiatic Lion Census was conducted over an area of about 30,000 km (18641.136 sq mi), the lion population was estimated at 674 individuals, comprising 159 adult males, 262 adult females, 115 Subadult, And 138 cubs. The lion population in and around the Growth rate of 28.87 % (But now the lion estimated population about 1000 above) Habitat: Asiatic lions were once upon a time found from north to east and West Bengal and in the plains and forests of Madhya Pradesh. But now at present, Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary is the only habitat of Asiatic lions. The last surviving population of the Asiatic lions is a compact tract of dry deciduous forest and open grassy scrublands in the southwestern part of the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Conservation: In 1904, only 11 Asiatic lions were left in the Gir forest. Then Nawab of Junagadh Mohabbat Khanji banned hunting and started the work of conservation. Since then, the Lions population has been steadily increasing. The Forest Department has also been doing commendable work on the lion conservation project and the local people have the biggest role in the campaign. And it is considered the most successful story of efforts to increase the population of an endangered wildlife species. Lion-human friendship: The Asiatic lion is a social royal animal, it does not attack all humans, Lions often live around villages and fields for easy hunting of cattle, Due to presence of the lion, farmers are benefiting, because animals that harm the crop (Nilgai, deer, wild boar and porcupine) do not come into the fields. So, local people are getting economic benefits due to the tourism industry. Here lions and humans have a mutual friendship because they respect each other. Save Asiatic lion We are working to save the rare Asiatic lion and all the wild animals and the forest through this channel, we are making humble efforts to give correct information by changing the misconceptions spread in the society. Due to the increasing lion population, he is regaining his lost areas, now the forest department is facing a big challenge, so, it is our duty to support the forest department in the campaign to save the lion. We want to do a lot, hope you all will support us. About Us: We are working in the Gir forest and Gujarat (INDIA) for the last 25 years. We have Asian lions, wild animals, biodiversity, flora and fauna, and the "Siddi" community of African origin videos and photographs huge archive of unique, rare, and historical events. And you can watch a continuous live stream of unique videos of rare wild animals from Great forests across India. If you want to watch unimaginable videos of unheard stories with incredible information about wild animals? So quickly do SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and FOLLOW now. Write to us to license stoke footage: #GirIndiaFilms #On24x7News #AsiaticLion #SasanGir #lion #GirForest #SiddiTribal #siddi #jambur #junagadh #girlion #NewsJunagadh #NewsGirnar #NewsForGir #girwildlifesanctuary #way2wildlife #girnarropeway #redsandboa #asianlion #girnar #HanumanMonkey #GirnarForest #reptilessnake #TigerIndia #LeopardIndia #indianstripedhyena #sandboa #reptiles #snake #stripedhyena